FreshPaths Interview

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I’ve never been interviewed before. So when Jeff and Mary Ellen of FreshPaths approached me for an interview to share my acting journey, I was honored.

I know the Powell family personally, as they coached me and forty-nine others on a year-long mission trip called The World Race. While the fifty of us traveled around the world for 11 months to 11 countries, the Powells checked in on us weekly and came to visit us in the field every 3-4 months. They are a couple who inspires me with their dedication to encourage others to live life to the fullest.

They saw my journey—my struggle, really— to make the decision from teaching career, to the full-time pursuit of my acting passion. I’m thankful, and humbled, to have been chosen to share my story on their site. I hope it brings some encouragement to others courageous enough to pursue their calling.


Jeff and Mary Ellen Powell are a beautiful couple, interested in inspiring others to take risks, enjoy adventures, and encourage awesome life experiences through their site!

Victoria Parks