Victoria Baxter

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Okay, Jose Navarro...

I hope you win all the film festivals. You've earned it.

I had the pleasure of working with director, writer, and producer, Jose L. Navarro, on the set of "Memoria". It's pieces of storytelling like this that have the power to impact an audience for a bigger purpose, and that gets me jazzed. Jose was inspired to write and direct this film, after a good friend of his lost his father to Alzheimer's disease. This story tells of the fragile and distant relationship between father and son, and how death brings about new life and redemption. It was an honor to be part of a cast and crew so dedicated to their crafts, and who are overall, really nice people. #personalitypoints

Though my lines were few and I was on set for all of an hour and half (but hey, I got a free iced coffee out of the deal and some reel footage), the best part was the infectious energy and friendly nature of everyone in the room. I'm so thankful to have been "Nurse Nora", and had the chance to work with some really wonderful people. You guys inspire me to keep working on my craft. 

You can check out the 3-minute version of our 10-minute short, which has been entered into the My Rode Reel competition!